1. YouTube needs compressed video
2. Bare drives are safe for storage
3. You can’t create ProRes on Windows
4. Editors only need to know how to edit
5. Video needs to be action and title safe
1. Transcoding to a better codec will improve quality
2. Log formats are the same as HDR
3. You can grade video on a computer monitor
4. You can fix audio distortion
5. Storage is the same as capacity
1. Why do permissions matter?
2. How do I share projects and media?
3. What management features should I look for?
4. What kind of support do I need?
5. What shared storage solutions do you recommend?
1. What do I need to know about drives?
2. Where do I house the drives?
3. What is a RAID and why should I care?
4. How much storage do I need?
5. What are your recommendations?
1. What is a SAN and NAS?
2. What is bandwidth and why is it important?
3. How much bandwidth does my video take up?
4. How many streams of video can I play?
5. What else do I need to know about bandwidth?
1. What is a codec?
2. What do I need to be aware of when choosing a codec?
3. What codec should I edit with?
4. How do I convert from one codec to another?
5. How do I get the best look for _______ ?